CPD for Schools
CPD for Schools runs on the second Saturday of every month. Each Course has a specific audiences. - headteacher teacher TA nurture groups etc.
All courses run on Saturday mornings 10am-1:00pm and cost £95. There are a maximum of 8 participants per group to provide close been session leader and participants.
Target Audience: Senior Management.
July 2020
Therapeutic Language in your School - Changing the Mental Health Landscape
Strategic - Whole school policy
Suitable for Senior management, Head teachers and those looking at organisational language and change here to add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.
Target Audience:
Head Teachers
and Senior Management
CPD and services for Your School/Organisation
Free - one hour consultation visit available
Understanding how the Caspari Foundation Can improve Mental health within your school
How to access free services
Ofsted/mental health
know your options
Free and paid services
Click here for Evidence
Adoption Support Fund
1-1 Educational Psychotherapy Assessment /1-1 Educational Pscyothearpy
EPIC Group Work - story and art groups