The Caspari Journal of Educational Psychotherapy
Issue 26, 2020
Articles in our latest edition concern themes of connection and disruption. The Covid pandemic has highlighted the damage to children’s learning from disrupted relationships. Read about the resourcefulness of teachers and therapists attempting to redress this and the theories that support them in their practice.
Featured extract
The Right-Brain in Educational Psychotherapy
by Louise Mullier
In recent years, psychoanalysis and neuroscience have developed along similar pathways, shifting their focus from the mind/brain of one person to the interaction of two….. Psychoanalysis has moved away from an emphasis on cognitive, verbal interpretations towards inter-subjectivity and the importance of relationship ….We might be approaching a time when technology allows us to see biological mechanisms of both conscious and unconscious communication between people as they happen. This would be the fruition of Freud’s “Project for a Scientific Psychology” (Cozolino, 2017, p6) …. an exciting prospect..........
Featured extract
Disconnected: What can a pandemic teach us about inclusive education?
by Elizabeth Denton
Lockdown…… each day brought further confirmation of the fundamental and primal power of connectedness. That learning is a relational experience….is a truth that the education system regularly and continually ignores, especially for the excluded. And this pandemic has revealed that such ignorance is both costly and foolish …. ‘good enough’ (Winnicott, 1960) relationships have led to potentially ground-breaking success and change for excluded pupils……absence or inconsistency of relationships has impacted detrimentally…. alternative provision, and all schools, can seek our way to a sustainable and healthier way of being....
Featured extract
Zoom with a(n Obscured) View
by Luke Palmer
Two people are talking to each other. They are in murky water, both wearing old fashioned diving suits - more armoured and shell-like than modern suits. Each is looking out through a glass frame to another framed person, mostly unable to see each other’s body, not fully confident as to what pitfalls or dangers might be lurking nearby…The thoughts I am about to share with you concern my one-to-one therapeutic work as a secondary school counsellor using Zoom… I hope this may help other therapists working in schools in similar situations. I shall then go on to think about some differences between online and face to face therapy, especially as experienced in the therapeutic relationship. ....